31-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
Game Selector
We are still getting e-mail asking where the Game Selector went. It is still there but it is part of a Java-Script file so make sure that JAVA is enabled in the browser.
29-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
2 New PSX Patches Added:
- Ape Escape [GERMAN/PAL] Crack & PAL/NTSC Selector
- Omega Boost [PAL] PAL2NTSC Patch
28-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the No-CD for: Mortyr
v1.0 (PC)
- Thanks SvensK.
- Added the No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.14 (PC)
- Thanks Slayer'99 & SvensK.
- Added the No-CD for: X: Beyond the Frontier v1.3 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Shakti.
- Added another No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.13c BETA (PC)
- Thanks Slayer'99.
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Bleem! CD-Key Backup Update:
Added the BLMTRKS.ZIP file which contains the unreadable sectors which could not be read by some CD-Readers.
1 New PSX Utility Added:
PALNTSC Color Mode Converter
is a tool which is able convert a NTSC game into PAL
& Visa Versa by checking the CD-Image.
1 New PSX Patch Added:
27-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
- Added the CD-Copy/CD-Info for:
v1.0 [SPANISH] (PC)
- Thanks TeTe.
- Corrected the mislinked file for: Kingpin
v1.13c BETA (PC)
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added the following PSX Patches:
- Ape Escape [FRENCH/PAL] Crack & PAL/NTSC Selector
- Legend of Mana [JAP/NTSC] Crack & PAL/NTSC Selector
The Ape Escape patch ONLY works for the FRENCH version of the game, there is still no version for the GERMAN & other European countries.
Added the Anti-Mod Game Codes for:
- Doko Demo Issyo [JAP/NTSC]
- Jikkyou Pawafuru Professional Baseball '99 [JAP/NTSC]
- Toma Runner [JAP/NTSC]
- Torn & Kobin [JAP/NTSC]
26-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.13c BETA (PC)
- Thanks Sputnik.
- Added the No-CD for: Xtom3D
v1.0 [US] (PC)
- Thanks NEO-KIT.
- Added the CD-Copy/No-CD for: X: Beyond the Frontier v1.2 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks ThE ShaDow.
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added the following Anti-Mod XPS Patch - Thanks Epson:
- Legend of Mana [JAP/NTSC]
Added the Anti-Mod Game Codes for:
- Justice Gakuen 2 [JAP/NTSC]
- Global Force [JAP/NTSC]
- Saru !?@Get?@You?I/ [JAP/NTSC]
- Tokimeki Memorial Drama 3 [JAP/NTSC]
25-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
- Added the No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.10 [ALL] (PC)
- Thanks Slayer'99.
- Added the No-CD for: Hidden & Dangerous v1.1 [ENGLISH] (PC)
- Thanks Silent.
- Added the CD-Copy for: Hidden & Dangerous v1.0 [SPANISH] (PC)
- Thanks KeopS.
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
The Aioly-Boys
team has managed to make a working backup of the original Bleem! Key-CD. Until now no-one managed this and it was thought it was just to hard to copy it but at last here it is!
24-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the No-CD for: Heavy Gear 2 v1.0 [US] (PC)
- Thanks Lord Crass.
- The CD-Copy for: Descent 3 v1.0 [UK] (PC)
- Thanks FOCK.
- Added the No-CD for: Wing Metal Country v1.0 [ENGLISH/SPANISH] (PC)
- Thanks KAOS_13.
- Added the CD-Copy for: Der W?chter - Der Schatten v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks SWENSKE.
- The CD-Copy for: Streetwars [US/GERMAN] (PC) also works fine for the SPANISH release - Thanks ^CojoneS^.
- The CD-Copy/No-CD for: Descent 3 v1.0.2 [GERMAN] also works fine for the FRENCH
v1.0.1 release - Thanks FOCK.
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Laxity released a generic patch for Bleem! v1.0 - v1.3 b1. It works similar to their Generic SafeDisc Patch which is used to by-pass the SafeDisc protection in PC Games.
Pedro/Laxity, the creator of this patch, made it clear that he won't crack future releases of Bleem! so it is most likely that this patch won't work on newer versions - Thanks aNIMALo/Laxity, Peter & SuGGs
23-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
Domain not Reachable again...
Again the GameCopyWorld.com domain was not reachable because because a harddisk failed...
When the domain down again then use the move.to redirector to get to the mirrors:
22-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the RegPatcher for: Dungeon Keeper 2 v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Screamer.
- Added the Blood/Torture/Screen Fix for: Dungeon Keeper 2 v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Sharky.
- Added the CD-Copy/No-CD for: Civilization: Call to Power v1.0 [ITALIAN] (PC)
- Thanks TaK3oVeR.
- Added the No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.0 [UK] (PC)
- Thanks Rattlesnake.
- The CD-Copy for: Hidden & Dangerous v1.0 [US] (PC) also works fine for the FRENCH & SPANISH release - Thanks Olvi & Drakull.
20-07-99 |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added the following PSX Patches - Thanks quark0ne:
- Ape Escape [PAL] CRACK & PAL/NTSC Selector
- Rival Schools 2 [JAP] CRACK & PAL/NTSC Selector
19-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the No-CD for: Die V?lker v2.02 (PC)
- Added the Protection Fix for: Kingpin
v1.0 [UK] (PC)
- Thanks Sox.
- Added the CD-Copy/No-CD for:
S.A.G.A: Rage o/t Vikings
- Thanks Schmudo.
- Added the No-CD for: Grim Fandango
v1.01 [DUTCH] (PC)
- Thanks Propheit.
- Added the CD-Copy/Play Fix for:
Might & Magic 7
v1.0 [UK] (PC)
- Thanks Leer.
Multi Patcher Update
Added Multi Patcher v2.02 with alot of really great new features. It also includes the GERMAN Fix for X: Beyond the Frontier ! - Thanks The Brain
German Mirror Site
Another GameCopyWorld Mirror site has been opened at Philsoft in Germany - Thanks Phil!
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added the following PSX Patches - Thanks Hooligan/Respect:
- Virus Mini-Trainer
- Tarzan +2 TRN & PAL/NTSC Selector
18-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
The Best CD-Reader Available
Lately we are getting alot of e-mail asking which CD-Readers are the best for copying SafeDisc, SecuROM or LaserLock protected games without the need for additional patching.
For now only a few CD-Readers are capable in doing this, so we created a a list of CD-Readers which successfully were copied SafeDisc/SecuROM/LaserLock Protected Games. More here.
As we just started this list it is far from complete so any comments or submissions are very welcome!
17-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the No-CD for: Machines v1.15 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Thorsten.
- Added the No-CD for: Apache - Havoc
v1.1E [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Malzam.
Page Fixes
Fixed a lot of bugs & mis-linked links that still existed in some pages (especially the Game Related E-Mail Info link) and added the GCW Banners page.
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added the following PSX Patches - Thanks Matt:
- Tarzan PAL/NTSC Selector
Added the PPF Patcher:
- The PPF Patcher is a tool which is able to create (and apply) small patches by comparing the original & patches ISO image and extracting only the difference between them. It is very similar to the IPS Patcher which was created for patching SNES patches which I also used in my UniFIX patch engine (AMIGA) a few years back.
15-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
- Added the No-CD for: Kingpin
v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks little Bear.
- Added the No-CD for: Myth II
v1.3 (PC)
- Thanks Malzam.
- Added the No-CD for: Apache - Havoc
v1.1E [USA] (PC)
- Thanks Malzam.
- Added the Blood-Fix for: Dungeon Keeper 2 v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Sascha
14-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes
- Added the CD-Copy/No-CD for:
Descent 3 v1.0 [US], v1.0.2 [GERMAN] & v1.0 [AUSTRALIAN] (PC)
- Thanks FOCK, Peter & ltx/foo-bar corp.
- Added the Fixed EXE for: Might & Magic 7 v1.0 (PC)
- Thanks Grant.
- Added the No-CD for: Die V?lker v2.01/2.02 (PC)

- Added the No-CD for: Total Annihilation: Kingdoms (PC)

- The Fixed EXE for: Discworld Noir v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
also works for the ENGLISH version - Thanks David.
- Added the No-CD for: Bundesliga Manager 98 v2.02c (PC)
- Thanks Malzam.
- Added the CD-Info for: Heavy Gear 2 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Fred Feuerstein.
- Added the CD-Info for: Starsiege [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Fred Feuerstein.
- Added the CD-Info for: Discworld Noir v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks SWENSKE & Fred Feuerstein.
13-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
- Added the Fixed EXE for: Discworld Noir v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks XytroX
- Added the CD-Copy for: Descent 3 v1.0.2 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks Neo.
Domain not Reachable
Today the GameCopyWorld.com domain was not reachable because again a harddisk failed... They are now planning to move the domain to a bigger (and better) protected server, so let's hope it fixes this problem once and for all!
12-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
Back Again!
We're back in town again.
New York was great and so was Star Wars Episode I (and Wild Wild West, Austin Powers 2 & The Mummy)! We'll try to add all send-in files as soon as possible but it will take a few days because there were more than 500 waiting messages!
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
At last the guys from Paradox have cracked: V-Rally 2 [PAL]
Thanks to everyone sending this patch (received it about 40 times), especially to CONtROL/PARADOX,
The Killer, Yoho MCM'98 & JOSUKE for being among the first!
Added the following PSX Patches:
- Dino Crisis [JAP/NTSC] CRACK & PAL/NTSC Selector
- Syphon Filter [NTSC] +5 TRAINER & PAL/NTSC Selector
- Need for Speed 4 [NTSC] PAL/NTSC Selector
- V-Rally [EURO/PAL] CRACK & PAL/NTSC Selector
07-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added a few
PAL/NTSC Patches to play NTSC games in full color on a PAL PlayStation - Thanks Hooligan/Respect:
- Bomberman NTSC-2-PAL Patch
- Trap Runner PAL/NTSC Selector
Added XPS Patch Pack #3 which contains Anti-Mod patches for:
- Dino Crisis
- Beatmania-GottaMix
- Justice Academy 2
German GameCopyWorld Mirror
We have added another fast GameCopyWorld Mirror in Germany - Thanks Nils!
New York Trip
This afternoon we will be taking a plane to New York to go and see Star Wars Episode 1 and to generally have a good time in the Big Apple! See you back in a few dayz!
06-07-99 |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
- Bleem! 1.2 Zf Fix - This version is for the INTEL MMX & AMD K6/K6-2 processors!
05-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
Added a few
PAL/NTSC Patches to play NTSC games in full color on a PAL PlayStation:
- Bushido Blade II PAL/NTSC Selector
- Castrol Honda Superbike PAL/NTSC Selector
- Silent Hill NTSC-2-PAL Patch
- Viva Football PAL/NTSC Selector
Thanks the guys from Respect for sending them!
04-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
- Added the No-CD for: Delta Force v1.03P [US/ENGLISH] (PC)
- Thanks MEX.
- Added the No-CD for:
Descent 3 v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks The Brain.
- Added the CD-Copy for:
Descent 3 v1.0 [US] (PC)
- Thanks FOCK.
- Added the Fix for: Hidden and Dangerous v1.0 [US] (PC)
- Thanks GP.
- Added the CD-Info for: Alien vs Predator v1.0 [ENGLISH & EURO] (PC)
- Thanks WebToaster.
- Added the CD-Info for: Mech Warrior 3
v1.0 [GERMAN] (PC)
- Thanks WebToaster.
Multi Patcher
Multi Patcher is a Patch Engine which is able to patch any kind of file and make registry changes. It is also possible to create/add your own patches which then can be distributed as a separate .TBR file. This .TBR file can then be added/appended to the existing patch database. Multi Patcher has a very good Windows GUI and it is the follow-up to X-Brain which was DOS based.
03-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
PSX BackupWorld News
Here is the latest news for PSX BackupWorld:
- Bleem! v1.2b 22245W Fix
At last someone managed to crack the newer releases. This version is for the AMD K6-2 processor.
- Anti-Mod Protected Games:
- Ape's Escape [JAP]
- Justice Academy 2 [JAP]
- Metal Gear Solid Integral [JAP]
- V-Rally 2 [PAL]
- Ape's Escape [PAL]
- Anti-Mod Game Codes:
- Ape Escape (Sarugecchu)
- Dino Crisis, Exceed my Corpse (Ore No Shikabane)
- Metal Gear Solid Interegal
- Rival Schools 2 [+ ISO Crack]
02-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |
01-07-99 |
Patches & Fixes |