
File Archive [309 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the File Archive to a temporary directory.
- Execute/Double-Click the TOWER.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Replace the original TOWER.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [16 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the T-O-T-A-DEMO-2-FULL--RAZ'2000.EXE Patch from the archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to apply the Fix to: TOWER.EXE
- Startup SETUP.BAT and use the following registration information:
- Name: RAZOR'2000
- Nr: 4-5134-4545-2328
- Start TOWER.EXE to play the Game!
