
File Archive [254 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Replace the PIT DROIDS.EXE file with the one from the archive.
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\data\FDat\*.* to <GameDir>\data\FDat\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\Puzzles\*.* to <GameDir>\Puzzles\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\My Puzzles\*.* to <GameDir>\My Puzzles\
- Double-Click/Import the PIT DROIDS NO CD.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [284 KB] - unSafeDisc |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Replace the PIT DROIDS.EXE file with the one from the archive.
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\data\FDat\*.* to <GameDir>\data\FDat\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\Puzzles\*.* to <GameDir>\Puzzles\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\My Puzzles\*.* to <GameDir>\My Puzzles\
- Double-Click/Import the PIT DROIDS NO CD.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [3 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the PITDROIDS_NOCD.EXE Patch from the archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check.
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\data\FDat\*.* to <GameDir>\data\FDat\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\Puzzles\*.* to <GameDir>\Puzzles\
- Copy <CD>:\Lucas Learning Folder\Pit Droids\Meine Puzzles\Droidenstau to <GameDir>\Meine Puzzles\Droidenstau
- Double-Click/Import the PITDROIDS_NOCD.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Play the Game!
