
File Archive [398 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.5i Patch.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Double-Click the REALWAR.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [397 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Double-Click the REALWAR.REG file to update the windows registry.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [92 KB] |
File Archive [437 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.5e Patch.
- Apply the official Real War v1.6 Patch.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [887 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.5e Patch.
- Apply the official Real War v1.6 Patch.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE & RWCLIENT.EXE executables with the ones from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [3 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the REALWARPATCH.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: REALWAR.EXE
- Play the Game!
File Archive [421 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [7 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.5e Patch.
- Extract the REALWARV1.5E.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: REALWAR.EXE [1187840 bytes]
- If needed, execute/Double-Click the REALWAR.REG file to update the windows registry.
Edit REALWAR.REG when your game is not installed in E:\RealWar
- Play the Game!
File Archive [444 KB] - Link Fixed! |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.5e Patch.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
File Archive [7 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Apply the official Real War v1.2 Patch.
- Extract the REALWARV1.2.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: REALWAR.EXE [1171456 bytes]
- Execute/Double-Click the REALWAR.REG file to update the windows registry.
Edit REALWAR.REG when your game is not installed in E:\RealWar
- Play the Game!
File Archive [7 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the REALWARV1.0.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
- Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: REALWAR.EXE [1171456 bytes]
- Execute/Double-Click the REALWAR.REG file to update the windows registry.
Edit REALWAR.REG when your game is not installed in E:\RealWar
- Play the Game!
File Archive [1.1 MB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Replace the original REALWAR.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Play the Game!
