
Heroes of Might & Magic 2
Price Of Loyalty Expansion Pack v2.1 |
CD Cover |
: PC
: SafeDisc
: Cover Target |
File Archive [98 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the H2CRK.EXE file to the game directory.
- Play heroes 2 and select MIDI music. exit heroes 2.
- Execute H2CRK.EXE and patch the HEROES2W.EXE executable.
- Copy the HEROES2 folder from the CD to the game directory (it should contain a folder called ANIM with some .SMK files in it).
- Execute RegEdit and edit the hkey_local_machine\software\new world computing\heroes of might and magic 2\1.0 key and change the CDDrive entry to the game directory drive.
- Play The Game without the CD!
