
File Archive [427 KB] - Link Fixed! |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Any Installation.
- Extract the File Archive to the game directory - Overwriting existing files!
- Execute the CRACK.BAT to replace the existing GUNMAN.EXE.
- Play the Game!
A backup will be made of the original GUNMAN.EXE & GUNMAN.DAT files for future updating. |
File Archive [427 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Any Installation.
- Extract the File Archive to the game directory.
- Execute the GUNMANV1UKNOCD.EXE to replace the existing GUNMAN.EXE.
- Play the Game!
A backup will be made of the original GUNMAN.EXE & GUNMAN.DAT files for future updating. |
Also works fine for the DE version! |
File Archive [412 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Any Installation.
- Replace the original GUNMAN.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
- Execute GUNMAN.EXE to play the Game!
File Archive [508 KB] |
Play Instructions:
- Install the game - Full Installation.
- Extract the File Archive to the game directory - overwriting existing files.
- Execute the GUNMAN.REG to update the windows registry.
- Execute GUNMAN.EXE to play the Game!
